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For those of you unfamiliar with small-town life, every respectable small town throws a little party every year, normally ending with the word "days". There is Sauerkraut Days in Lisbon, Watermelon Days some where up north, Old Settlers Days in New Virgina, well, in Mount Vernon, we have Heritage Days.
Every year, everyone that grew up in Mount Vernon or has some kind of tie, tries their best to make it back... Why you ask? Because its always a blast! There is a street band, a mid-way, lots of carnie food and of course, beer!
This year was especially fun for Bryan and I. Heritage Days kicked off on Thursday night with a fireworks show right across the street from Bryan's new house, so we had people over for a bon-fire and watched the fireworks. The rest of the weekends events take place in uptown Mount Vernon, which is where my new apartment happens to be located. So I threw a little housewarming party on Saturday night before we all headed up town.
Its always fun to see people you haven't seen in awhile and especially fun to be outside on a summer night, listening to music and enjoying a few beers. :)
Already looking forward to next year...
So, I thought I'd give you all a little update on how I'm doing with my goals one month into summer. (FYI, I consider summer to be the months of June, July and August, so I have until the end of August to get these done.)
Goal #1: Create Art
I am happy to say I've actually done this one!!! Quite a bit of it too... In fact, my dad the other day said to me "When did you become so crafty??" I took it as a compliment. Ideally I would put pictures of the art I have created here, but it's not all done... One of the projects I did I am going to completely re-do, another is almost finished and the final one... Well, I just haven't gotten around to taking pictures. Soon though, I promise!
Goal #2: Start Scrapbooking Again
Well, my first scrapbook project is going to be a before and after book of Bryan's new house. The house isn't finished yet, so I don't feel like I can start yet. I want to have all the pictures I am going to use before I begin. His house-warming party is tentively set for August 8th, so it will need to be done by then!!!
Goal #3: Back-up Digital Pictures
Haven't even thought about it... I still have two months.
Goal #4: Plant some Plants
Haven't done this one either, however, my house warming party is in less than two weeks, so I might try to get it done before then. If I don't, I might scrap it for the year because then it's kind of late in the season. In my defense, we had a REALLY cool spring, then all of a sudden it jumped from like 60* to 100* within a week and now, three days before the Fourth of July, it's 63* at this very second. Not much time to get into the gardening mood.
Goal #5: Plan out Meals
I am very proud to say that I've been doing pretty good with this one!!! Bryan and I have cut WAAYY down on how much we eat out and I've been going grocery shopping once a week. It's helped my wallet too, however, that's just fueled my shopping addiction.
Be sure to check back, I will hopefully have pictures of my new place after this weekend!!!